The problem with supplements is that doing the research to prove their effectiveness is expensive and there is not much motivation for disinterested parties to do it. One exception to this generality is Protandim from LifeVantage. So amazing are the results that multiple independent studies have been done confirming its ability to stimulate your body to reverse the cumulative effects of the toxic environmental stress we all face. To see for yourself, start by checking out this video. Then to order, just click the order button below. As always, profits get donated to our favorite non-profit charity, the Smile Miracles Project.
Dr. Lon Peckham provides comprehensive and wholistic dental care in Priest River, Idaho. He is a consultant certified in Lead Management and Choice Theory, Advanced Dental Implantology, as a Lifestyle Health Facilitator, and is currently pursuing certification by the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine. He helps Patients and Dentists successfully incorporate whole-health into their lives and practices.