Maverick Gold

Some Dental Treatments, and How These Affect Us Holistically

It is a truth universally acknowledged that good teeth provide us, humans, with beauty and confidence. But even with this in mind, most of us take our teeth for granted. We’ve been taught a lot about oral hygiene and optimal brushing three times a day since we were all kids, but when tooth problems arise despite this ingrained habit, we rarely think of the implications that this may cause. When we realize that we have a tooth with dental caries or perhaps a random blister appearing out of nowhere, we rarely think about how this may impact your overall health. It’s “far from the gut” as they say where I’m from. And if it doesn’t hurt as much as a ruptured appendix, we don’t think twice about it. But honestly, we should think and research more about it. And it does pay to be mindful about the implications of what’s in your mouth right now.  Read more…

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